Peppa Pig Birthday Party Backdrop
Make that special day even more special! Celebrate a super fun Peppa Pig party with this printable backdrop! What's best with a backdrop is that it helps to set the mood of your theme and serves as the main focal point of your event. Whether it's a big or small celebration, it can make your party look impressive!
This design will be emailed to you in PDF Digital File. No physical item will be shipped to you.
You must send the file to a print shop that offers backdrop printing. We’ve listed some recommended backdrop print stores in our FAQ section.
We will personalize the text in this backdrop design. Please provide the NAME & AGE OF CHILD. Indicate this info in the form provided or in the “Special Instructions for Seller” box when you checkout.
Our STANDARD turnaround is 48 hrs. You may choose a faster turnaround by clicking other turnaround options when you checkout.
We will email the design as a ready-to-print file. We do not send proofs but you can request changes if needed. If no changes are needed, you may continue printing the emailed file.
Your order comes with One (1) FREE revision on text (this excludes any mistake made by our shop). If you need an additional revision, you must purchase a $4 revision fee that comes with 2 additional revisions. This fee is for the "text revision" only. Further customization of the design will have a separate fee.
Please request a quote if you would like to further customize this design (e.g. size, font type, orientation or layout, celebrating two children). You may send us an email at sales@jollyowldesigns.com
Your order is for PERSONAL USE only. You are NOT allowed to share or resell items purchased in this shop.
If you are purchasing a design with a licensed character, please make sure to find a print store that will print your order before you purchase. Make sure the printing company you’ll be using does not need a “copyright release”. We cannot provide a copyright release. Strictly NO REFUND once our digital file is delivered to you.